Hobby: Crochet, Family Blog, Study German
Clean: Kitchen, Bedrooms, Main Floor Halls, and Entryway
Hobby: Piano, Personal Blog, Sketch
Clean: Bathrooms, Living Room, Dining Room, Great Room
Hobby: Crochet, Writing, Study German
Clean: Kitchen, Bedrooms, All Halls and Stairs
Hobby: Piano, Sewing, Sketch
Clean: Bathrooms, Living Room, Dining Room, Office
Hobby: Crochet, Personal Blog, Study German
Clean: Kitchen, Bedrooms, Great Room, Main Floor Halls
Hobby: Piano, Sewing, Sketch
Clean: Bathrooms, Living Room, Dining Room, Sewing Room, Gym
Hobby: Crochet
So far, it's working out great! Of course, it will need to be updated from time to time, but since I've only been doing it for like a week, it's too early to tell what will need to be changed yet. Today I have hardly any cleaning to do because I just cleaned everything so recently - that's the plan, though! If I can stick to the schedule, then *theoretically* I shouldn't have to spend 3 hours cleaning my bedroom ever again! It'd be like a dream come true! Today I haven't practiced German, written anything, or got out my crocheting...and (obviously) I'm a day late with my blog. But at least my cleaning is on track, right?? And I have German class tonight anyway, so I'll be forced to practice! HA~!
I keep forgetting to take pictures of things I cook lately, but here are a couple of things.
Flounder in Lemon Butter Sauce
Herb Rubbed Pork
As you may have noticed from my lists up there, on Tuesdays (and Thursdays) I have to sketch! I decided to add that because I just never draw anything anymore. I used to draw ALL the time! I was very active on DeviantArt and it was fun. For years I've just ignored that site and didn't draw anything. So yesterday I sat down and sketched something! It felt GREAT!! I'm really excited to keep sketching in the future - I really forgot how much fun it was. Here's the picture I drew:
It's a lovely Lolita! I decided to just pick a model out of one of my Gothic and Lolita Bibles (Volume 21) and try to sketch her. I ended up using about 4 pictures for reference, but the main picture was on page 50, if you're interested to know. I really liked the model's extra long hair! It made me want some extensions haha. Anyway, it took me about 3-3 1/2 hours to draw - I think that's one reason I haven't drawn anything in recent years! It just takes me so long. I was really happy with how her hair came out. Hair was always something I could pull off. I hate the sleeves. Originally I was going to do the skirt in plaid as well, but after the sleeves I decided that I didn't want to ruin the picture. In fact, as you can see, I just decided not to do much with the skirt at all. All in all, I'm pretty pleased. For a comeback piece, it's not half bad! If you're interested, here is a link to my DeviantArt page:
Do you know what I love? I LOVE MY PEN PALS! I do. I love them all so much! I got a package from my German pen pal, Kristina, today! She and I have been pen pals for close to 8 years now, I believe. We have never met, but now that I live in Germany I'm sure we'll get the opportunity! She actually lives only about an hour from where I live now! Isn't that crazy? Of all the places in the whole world where my husband and I could end up, and we ended up so close to one of my oldest, dearest pen friends! Small world. Anyway, after I got her letter, I was feeling rather nostalgic, so I got out my 'pen pal box' - it's just a small file box where I keep every letter from my pen pals. I started looking through some letters from my oldest pen pal - Yayoi from Japan. We've been pen pals for close to 9 years now! I've known, and kept in contact, with her for longer than most any other person I know (outside of my family, obviously). She is an absolute sweetheart and I love her to death! I found one letter that she wrote to me back in 2005 that literally brought a tear to my eye. She said: "Do you know that I treasure your friendship? I consider myself lucky to know you. I hope that you know that you are special to me. I'll always be our loyal friend." AAAA~W!!!! I love my pen pals. Since moving to Germany, I've gained a few more - 3, to be exact. All of them are friends who I left behind in Ohio! Writing and receiving letters is so fun. I encourage all of you to go get a pen pal! Do it!

Do you know what I love? I LOVE MY PEN PALS! I do. I love them all so much! I got a package from my German pen pal, Kristina, today! She and I have been pen pals for close to 8 years now, I believe. We have never met, but now that I live in Germany I'm sure we'll get the opportunity! She actually lives only about an hour from where I live now! Isn't that crazy? Of all the places in the whole world where my husband and I could end up, and we ended up so close to one of my oldest, dearest pen friends! Small world. Anyway, after I got her letter, I was feeling rather nostalgic, so I got out my 'pen pal box' - it's just a small file box where I keep every letter from my pen pals. I started looking through some letters from my oldest pen pal - Yayoi from Japan. We've been pen pals for close to 9 years now! I've known, and kept in contact, with her for longer than most any other person I know (outside of my family, obviously). She is an absolute sweetheart and I love her to death! I found one letter that she wrote to me back in 2005 that literally brought a tear to my eye. She said: "Do you know that I treasure your friendship? I consider myself lucky to know you. I hope that you know that you are special to me. I'll always be our loyal friend." AAAA~W!!!! I love my pen pals. Since moving to Germany, I've gained a few more - 3, to be exact. All of them are friends who I left behind in Ohio! Writing and receiving letters is so fun. I encourage all of you to go get a pen pal! Do it!
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